August 2019 Archive
Collection Variables in SCCM Task Sequences

- August 26, 2019
- 4 minutes
- powershell, automation, tech
As I've mentioned a number of times in previous posts, on our campus we perform a roughly-annual refresh of multi-user workstations across the institution. This 'multi-user' scope includes machines in classrooms, computer labs, open learning spaces, conference rooms, and so forth.
Read MoreA Brief Respite

- August 19, 2019
- 3 minutes
- personal
Ahh, August: that "season" of all things chaotic, crazy, busy, and otherwise rushed. See also: back-to-school season.
A time when the rush of all the things that haven't yet been accomplished through the summer converge and, like it or not, must be completed before the new school year(s) begin.
Read MoreEnvironment Context Troubleshooting

- August 12, 2019
- 5 minutes
- powershell, automation, mistakes
Broken Context(s). The story of my weekend project.
Due to a number of reasons, mostly well outside my direct control, I spent part of this weekend working through the application and task sequence refresh process for our multi-user workstations...which will need to be finished by August 27.
Read MoreKnit Your Best Life

- August 05, 2019
- 2 minutes
- personal
On Saturday, we made the short trip to [West] Fargo, ND for the Fiber Arts Festival, something we'd not previously visited before. For a small-sized gathering, at first sight I certainly didn't expect to spend half the day at the venue. But it's a good little fest, and we well might go again in the future. Saw lots of folks spinning fiber into yarns, working with said product, and using some neat little machines to do it all.
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