Tagged with 'bots'
Belated Farewell to the Twitter/X API

This isn't much of a "real" post, and admittedly I needed a filler for this week, but it's been on my list to write about here for a while: Last summer I shut down my three Twitter bots when the Twitter API moved to a ridiculous new access rate structure.
Read MoreAdding Push Notifications to the Tempest WeatherBot

- August 22, 2022
- 7 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech, weather
This is the "final" installment of my summer 2022 blog series about the development of my Slack Tempest WeatherBot.
Read MoreAdding External Data to the Tempest WeatherBot

- August 08, 2022
- 5 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech, weather
This is the third in the short series of my journey building the Slack Tempest WeatherBot. In this post I'm walking through the steps to incorporate external data from the National Weather Service (NWS) API for alerts and forecast options.
Read MoreExpanding Interactivity with the Tempest WeatherBot

- July 25, 2022
- 5 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech, weather
In the last post I wrote about the basics of building the Slack Tempest WeatherBot and its basic set of command arguments. This post builds on those commands with an overview of expanding the Slack interactivity by adding a bot app home tab.
Read MoreCreating a Slack Bot for Tempest Weather Station

- July 11, 2022
- 5 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech, weather
In summer 2020, I picked up a WeatherFlow Tempest station...a purchase I'd been considering for the better part of a year. It's an awesome and compact little thing, and on the whole I've been super happy with it. In my location it tends to over-report rainfall as the haptic rain sensor is also sensitive to vibrations on the mounting point (a pole in my yard).
Read MoreThe MMSMOA Retweet Bot in Action

- May 09, 2022
- 8 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech, website
Hot on the heels of last week's triumphant return of the "MOA" edition of MMS, I'm writing up a post-conference review of my somewhat-accidental creation: the MMSMOA Retweet Bot.
I shared the bot's story with a number of folks during the conference, often while peddling the bot's stickers, but several folks also encouraged me to share the details via blog post as well so here it is!
Read MoreA Twitter Bot for Dad Jokes
- April 12, 2021
- 5 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech
About a month ago, I discovered this gem of a tweet:
Read MoreTIL fatherhood dot gov has a dad joke API pic.twitter.com/fZi4rRSQS8
My First Twitter Bot: A Journey into Twitter's API

- February 01, 2021
- 7 minutes
- automation, bots, inspiration, php, tech
Sometime around Thanksgiving/November 2020, I formalized the idea that I would actually build a Twitter bot for the sake of novelty and as an experiment/learning exercise. One night at suppertime, we discussed what might be cool as a bot and those ideas are still on the list as possibilities for the future. Ultimately, I settled on a bot idea that built on some things I've used in the past (Google API) so I wouldn't have to learn All The Things in addition to building a bot and figuring out the Twitter API.
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